How We Deliver Investment Services

How We Deliver Our Investment Services

Here Is Our Approach To Providing You With Investment Advisory Services:

We will initially meet with you to develop investment goals and strategies consistent with your financial planning goals.

Our Investment Advisory Agreement describes our advisory relationship and the investment practices that apply to you and my firm. It also gives us discretionary authority to buy and sell investments for you.

  1. We have chosen Fidelity Investments to be the custodian for our client accounts. Fidelity accounts are insured by the SIPC.
  2. Fidelity will send you monthly statements showing the value of your accounts and transactions.
  3. My firm will send you a report each calendar quarter that will show your accounts’ value, performance, and other account-related information. The report will show all our fees deducted from your accounts. In the meantime, you can access your monthly statement online through eMoney.

Your Investment Policy Statement

The investment policy statement (IPS) is an agreement between us that outlines general rules for how we manage your accounts. This statement provides your investment goals and objectives and describes the strategies we can employ to meet them. Specific information on matters such as asset allocation, risk tolerance, income taxes, and liquidity requirements is included in your IPS. Click here to view or update yours.

How You Will Pay for Services and Products

Our Form ADV and Investment Advisory Agreement include more information about how you pay. We will give you these documents during our first meeting, and you can also access them online. We will help you understand the fees you will pay and the cost of any services and products we recommend.

  • You will pay an advisory fee each quarter. 
  • The advisory fee covers our costs to manage your assets and provide other financial planning services. 
  • Fidelity will deduct the fee from your account based on its ending value on the last business day of each of the last three months. 
  • The fee schedule amount is disclosed in our Form ADV and Investment Advisory Agreement.

When we invest your account in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), you will pay fees and expenses to third parties. 

  • It is our fiduciary responsibility to minimize these expenses as best we can.
  • In addition to the advisory fee you pay us, these products have operating expenses and ongoing fees.
  • Mutual fund and ETF fees and expenses can include investment management and shareholder service fees.
  • You will pay fees and expenses to the firm that holds your assets (I.e. Fidelity).
  • You will pay fees and expenses whether you make or lose money on your investments. 

How We Will Be Paid

Seastrunk Financial is a fee-only advisor. We do not receive commissions or other incentives from third parties. We are paid a salary plus a portion of my firm’s fees. You will find more information about payments to us in our Form ADV and Investment Advisory Agreement.

Our Material Conflicts of Interest

We have a conflict of interest whenever we have interests that are different from yours. Conflicts can affect the recommendations we give you. When we have a conflict, we will tell you. You can find more information about conflicts of interest in our Form ADV and Investment Advisory Agreement. We have policies and procedures designed to help manage conflicts. We will always work in your best interests.

The ways you pay us can create conflicts of interest. Although we are a fee-only firm and do not accept commissions from the sale of financial products the amount we earn from working with you depends, in part, on the amount of assets we manage for you. Therefore, we are incentivized to recommend that you make financial decisions resulting in more assets under our management.

If we provide you with other services in the future, there may be different conflicts of interest. We will tell you about them when they arise.

Please inform me if you are concerned about a conflict of interest and how it might affect your account.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for updating us on the information you have given us about your personal and financial circumstances. You will be sent account reports at least quarterly. You should review these documents carefully. Let us know if you want to discuss the information in these documents.

Timing of our Engagement

Our engagement will continue until one of us decides to change or end it. If you decide to change or end the engagement, you need to tell us. We can do the same, but we will tell you in writing.